
Friday, July 26, 2013







My mum, my motivation in Shaklee 我的妈妈,我的嘉康利原动力









Many ask me: why do I concentrate all my effort in developing Shaklee business? 

1) My greatest wish now is letting my mum enjoying a healthy and happy life while I still have the chance, through Shaklee! Parents' health is children's greatest blessing. And for me, I am so confident that with Shaklee, my 74-year-old mum will enjoy freedom in life, without any unnecessary medications and hospital bills. I am truly grateful to Shaklee for the past 8 years of taking care of my mum and me and many others in my life. 

2) For the past 8 years, Shaklee has allowed me to bring my mum for 6-star-and-above free conventions to Switzerland, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Las Vegas, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London and Paris. My mum has also travelled to many places, thanks to Shaklee business opportunity. 

3) Have we ever done anything that make our parents feel so proud of? 

To all my friends who have yet to joined Shaklee under our Gan-en Family:
1) Have we ever brought our parents for overseas luxurious trips? Does our present economical situation allow us to bring our family overseas for holidays?

2) Can we find such quality products like Shaklee to help our parents stay healthy and thus, saving their agony and hospital bills?  

3) The memory of what happened on top of 10,000-feet Mount Titlis in Switzerland stays vividly in mind: my mum's tears rolled down coz she never imagined that she would have the chance to touch snow! This scene further enhances my determination to succeed in Shaklee by helping others. 

My friends, please do not hesitate anymore. Shaklee, the 21st-century greatest business model. Together, let’s fulfil our dreams. Blessings and love.

at 41, I left ntv7







All my friends, until today, are still very curious why I chose to resign from the dream-career of thousands as a ntv7 Chinese news anchor when I was 41 years old, and ventured into Shaklee a "multi-level marketing MLM" ? 

As almost all outsiders, 8 years ago, I used to really truly extremely look down on people involving in MLM. I used to assume that all involved in MLM are either illiterate, dismissed from job or simply no-more-way-in-life!

All my life, before Shaklee, I had been very "hardworking", as a secondary school teacher, university lecturer, radio DJ, and ntv7 Chinese news anchor. Trust me, I had been very loyal to all my jobs. But everything changed when I was diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago, especially during my traumatic chemotherapy, none from the ntv7 management visited me at hospital! Can you imagine this? Or worse, have you ever experienced this kind of treatment by your boss?

Thus, when I met Shaklee at 41, I resigned without any regret! Until today, I still admire my courage of giving up a well-paid job for a rm632 Shaklee bonus. I was definitely not out of my mind, but Shaklee really re-ignited my long-buried desire for freedom in life! That desire flamed my whole being. My dream for freedom is the only reason I gave up such a glamorous job at 41.

Now, I invite all of you who "still have unfulfilled dreams in life, are fed up with jobs, hate the mechanical life of punch-in and punch-out, are controlled by superiors' appraisal for annual increment, dream of residual lifetime income" sincerely to give yourselves a chance, and give me a chance to share Shaklee with you.

If you have that burning desire to enjoy uncommon freedom in life, irrespective of your current situations or your backgrounds, please give me a chance to work with you, because together, we will create miracles and fulfilling life. Blessings and love.