
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

我的人生,我的故事。 My life, my story.

今天中午,在Subang Empire Gallery的嘉康利总公司,接受了《东方日报》的专访,而这篇专访将在下一个星期一刊登。老实说,专访的内容,又是老掉牙的课题:我在10年前罹患肿瘤后的改变。虽然课题一样,但经过专栏作者的手笔,肯定又有一番不一样的呈现。



This afternoon, I had an interview with a local Chinese newspaper, Oriental Daily, at Shaklee Home Office, Subang Empire Gallery. This interview will be published on next Monday’s edition. In fact, the content of this interview is still the one and only topic: my life after chemotherapy. Although the same old topic, but I really look forward to reading every piece of writing, because the focus and the skills of each reporter are significantly different.

The main point about reading newspaper reporting is: after reading those life testimonials of people who escaped death after some chronic illnesses, do we change our lifestyle and eating habits? After reading great life stories of those very successful people, are we uplifted? After reading about the thousands of chemicals used in our modern food production, are we more aware when we consume food?

Once, Tzu Chi’s Zheng-yan shang-ren was asked by a student, “Master, why do you repeat the same teaching again and again?” She asked compassionately, “have you practiced my yesterday’s teaching?” The student shook her head. Then, Zheng-yan shang-ren continued, ”in this case, I am going to preach about the same teaching tomorrow.” A few months ago, I was invited to give a sharing, and the committee asked me to share a new life-experience, something different. I told them, I only need one chemotherapy experience to awaken, so the Universe doesn’t have to repeat the same teaching! My story, one and only, and I pray everyday that my story will motivate and uplift others, will heal the souls. Blessings and love.

最后几个小时。。last few hours ...


GLA Complex: kebanyakan GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) tersedia di pasaran dihasilkan dari Evening Primrose Oil (EPO). Manakala GLA Shaklee diekstrak dari borage yang mengandungi lebih 2 kali ganda GLA dari EPO. Borage juga 3 kali ganda bio-availability dan 3 kali lebih berkesan dari EPO. Setiap kapsul GLA mengandungi 300mg GLA, sumber Omega-6 terbaik, dibuktikan secara klinikal di mana ia mampu menyerap dan mengadun ke dalam sel dan tisu. Manfaat utama GLA: 1) mengawal selia estrogen dan testosteron; 2) melambatkan menopaus; 3) menentang kanser; 4) memperbaiki inflamasi kulit; 5) memperbaiki komplikasi diabetes; 6) pelangsingan badan; 7) menghalang tekanan darah tinggi; memperbaiki keadaan hiperaktif dan autisma. Cadangan: 2 kapsul, 2 kali sehari.