
Sunday, September 29, 2013

嘉康利KK六星级本地旅游 Shaklee KK National Incentive Trip



Shaklee KK National Incentive Trip, 21st-23rd Sept 2013. Although it was over, the sweet memories keep lingering in my heart. In fact, I travel to East Malaysia many time in a year, and I have been a very frequent traveller myself, but the incentive trips organized by Shaklee is just AWESOME! I am pampered and taken care of, everything is arranged to the finest details … so grateful and so proud to be with Shaklee.


This trip started with a wonderful note because my mum and I were treated by Shaklee as super VIP, flying MAS Business Class. Though I fly Business Class at times on my own, the feeling of being appreciated by company after helping my leaders to grow in the business, is just awesome and uplifting and empowering. Working hard for one year, and let company treat my mum so well, truly worth all the effort.

不止如此,嘉康利还招待我住在Kota Kinabalu最豪华的Sutera Harbour Resort,其中一间最豪华的套房。从房间可以看到泳池、一望无际的大海、绚烂夺目的夕阳、宽阔的房间、好有气派的浴室。。。只因我愿意努力一年,透过嘉康利,帮助有缘贵人,成就自己。

Besides this, Shaklee also gave me a very luxurious room at the most luxurious 6-star hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Sutera Harbour Resort. From my room, I could have the perfect view on the pool, the vast majestic sea, amazing sunset, and I had such a spacious hotel room and a classy bathroom. All these benefits, because I am willing to go all out to help my friends and myself to be healthy and abundant.


Trust me when I say travelling really doesn’t mean too much to me, coz I am a very frequent traveller on my own, whether for own holidays or for Shaklee business. However, what makes all Shaklee trips so wonderful is the leaders from Gan-en Family. They make the trip significantly memorable. Leaders from gan-en family are playful, joyous, nice and can be hilariously crazy at times J Whenever we go, we laugh, we enjoy, we gan-en (grateful).

例如,第二天早上,公司安排我们到对面岛,Pulau Manukan,一个海上世外桃源。我们真的玩到不亦乐乎,也忘了什么叫太阳了:)一下子香蕉船,一下子在海中央游泳(感恩我身上的救生衣,让不甚谙水性的我,可以尽情在深海中漂浮玩水),一下子陆上游戏的,狂喜到都忘记了自己的年龄!一些更有福报的领袖,还享受“海底漫步”呢!真是羡慕到。。。

On the second day, in the morning, Shaklee arranged for us to go visit Manukan Island. We had such a wonderful time forgetting the scorching sun shining above us :) We had banana boat, swimming in deep blue sea, and even telematch. I was in such “ecstasy” that I forgot my age! Some leaders even had the chance of “sea-walking” because they were the champions among all. So envious of them :) 

然后,第二天晚上的重头好戏,“回顾70年代主题晚宴”。我们感恩团队的几乎所有领袖,都精心打扮一番,为自己留下美好的回忆。我们团队的Master Kelly Law以及Master David Lim,更双双获得首奖,rm500。真是太棒了!

Then, on the second night, the highlight of this trip, 70’s Flashback Dinner. All leaders from Gan-en family went all out to create memories for ourselves, by dressing to this theme. We really had a wonderful time, dining and dancing till the music ends. Our leaders, Master Kelly Law and Master David Lim, both won the first prize of rm500 each. Yahoo!


my mum gave an angpao to celebrate my birthday with my Shaklee leaders at KK Convention, and to receive such huge blessings from her is indeed extremely empowering. wishing everyone: health, wealth, abundance, peace, tranquility.


Finally, please allow me to invite you to give yourselves and Shaklee a chance, to let you and your family members & friends, to have a free and healthy and abundant life. Blessings. Love.