
Tuesday, July 30, 2013













I am truly grateful that I had cancer 10 years ago, when I was 40, because the chemotherapy woke me up to realize that I had never been filial to my parents.

My mum had a minor operation when I was 35, but I didn’t make it home to be with her, just transferred money home because I was too busy with my ntv7 work.

Then, my dad underwent his dialysis treatment, again, I didn’t make it home to be with him, just transferred money home because I was too busy with my ntv7 work.

To me, so embarrassed to say, I thought this is filial piety and the best I could do.

However, what struck me was, when I had my chemotherapy, my parents never once told me to go to hospital alone, never once too busy with their work to be with me!

I always tell my friends: I have the most wonderful super-mum. When I had my chemotherapy, my dad had his dialysis treatment. My mum didn’t have a driving license, and she had to depend on the trishaw, sending food to the dialysis centre then to my hospital. Those few months, I noticed my mum grew older with so much tiredness and worry written on her face. That sight truly hurt me!

Now, whenever I give talks and sharing, I will stress that “if one day, our loved ones are ill or in need, and our work doesn’t allow us to take leave to be with them, RESIGN immediately! Because if we miss that particular moment in life to be with them, no amount of money or salary can buy back that loss.”

I am truly grateful to Shaklee business opportunity for giving me the freedom to spend time with my loved ones, in health and in sickness! My dad passed away three years ago, and I had the most wonderful chance to spend quality time with him in his last few days of his life, till his last breath; and I had the chance to bid him goodbye with metta blessings.

Dad, I miss you so much. I will transfer heaps and heaps of blessings to you. And I will make sure that I take good care of mum. This life I am so proud to be your son.

I am grateful to Shaklee Gan-en Family for helping me to be who I am today and for allowing me to spend so much quality time with my mum.

If this is your dream to spend more time with your loved ones, I welcome you to join me in Shaklee. Blessings and love. 

1 comment:

  1. 老爸,我好想你。把我的爱与思念,化成无限的祝福,让你去到一个更好的国度。我们会好好的活着,更会让老妈子过得好好的。这辈子有缘做你的儿子,是我的福报!阿弥陀佛。
