
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2017年中秋节送《六六大顺》,月饼靠边站!Mid-Auntum Festival, enjoy in style with Shaklee "Power 6"


Mid-Autumn Festival, like the many festivals in Malaysia, we are always faced with the challenge of "what should I give as festive gifts?" As for this Mid-Autumn Festival, whether to give gifts to our family members or our corporate clients, we often wonder, "are moon cakes really enough?"


Past years, we often presented cigarettes, wine or liquor, tea etc. But nowadays, as our health-consciousness arises and our consumer-behaviour gears towards total wellness, our festive gifts also reflect this health awareness. 


Here, please allow me to introduce Shaklee "Power 6", as an excellent alternative to moon cakes.

(从左到右 From left to right)

*  保护及修复细胞的DNA
*  控管遗传因子,延缓细胞寿命
*  增强细胞能量与修复能力
*  降低AGE蛋白质的形成
*  促进免疫系统健康

VIVIX, a revolutionary breakthrough, it let us stay younger and healthier. VIVIX is a very potent botanical beverage mix packed with all the goodness to stay healthy, and it sure tastes good!

* protects and repair at the cellular DNA level
* prolongs the lifespan of cells
*rejuvenates and helps us to be more energetic
* strengthens our immune system

胶原蛋白流失,是导致肌肤衰老的主因 胶原蛋白之父:布兰特博士
*  最高纯浓度,100%被皮肤吸收
*  100%高功效,更快变年轻,更具年轻人的身体状态
*  0添加,无重金属、无农药、无病原、无激素,安全有保障
*  0脂肪,美丽零负担

Collagen, for healthier feeling and more youthful-looking skin. Collagen is responsible for the strength and elasticity of our skin. Shaklee Collagen is extracted from the scales of deep-sea Red Snaper, with molecule-size of 1,000 Dalton for perfect absorption. 

* promotes skin firmness, elasticity and suppleness
* helps to form collagen needed in the maintenance of skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels 
* helps reduce brown spots and promotes brighter skin complexion

三宝(Mighty 3 Gems: ESP Protein, Meal Shake, Performance):

Mighty 3 Gems:
* the perfect meals on the go, for people of all ages!
* energises our days
* helps to increase alertness and concentration
* maintain overall health and well-being 

Nutriferon 干扰素:

* shields ourselves for stronger protection 
* helps to ward off common colds
* defends against free radicals damages
* protects against fatigue and cellular damage

除了上述的好处之外,《六六大顺》还能让我们成为全球嘉康利大使 Gold Ambassador”,开拓国际市场;它也能为我们节省高达rm780

1.   用以代餐,可节省高达rm200
2.   两年免费的全球嘉康利大使 Gold Ambassador”USD128,相等于大约rm410
3.   免费终身会员籍,rm65
4.   8%的个人奖励花红,大约rm102

Besides all these health and beauty benefits, "Power 6" also give us a golden opportunity to expand our business and organisation to an international level, by becoming Shaklee Gold Ambassador. "Power 6" will automatically give us great savings or up to rm780!

1. Use "Power 6" as meal replacements and save up to rm200
2. Waive off Gold Ambassador status fess for the first two years (worth USD 128, equivalent to about rm410)
3. Free lifetime membership (worth rm65)
4. Earn Personal Bonus of 8%, about rm102


Mid-Autumn Festival, joy is in the air. Let's enjoy this festive season in health and prosperity, with Shaklee "Power 6". 
