
Sunday, November 03, 2013

老妈子的“后嘉康利日子” Life-after-Shaklee for my mum

我妈妈在“小心翼翼”的打开嘉康利送给她去英国/法国时用的高品质行李箱;又因为知道她又将乘搭12个小时,享受两层的MAS A380的商务舱的特别服务,而喜悦满满;又因为这次她又将和她的孩子们一起享受六星级的英国/法国之旅,而快乐满满。看到妈妈的背影,内心的感动,真的莫名!


this morning, very very early in the morning, i saw my mum opening the luggage given by Shaklee, for her coming international incentive trip to London/Paris. and, when i told her that she will be flying MAS A380 double-decker plane, BUSINESS CLASS, she is so excited; and, since she will be travelling with me, and my brother and sister together, her joy is triple. looking at her, opening the luggage so very carefully, i am so touched.

all these blessings, given by Shaklee. i am truly blessed to be able to let my mum has such a terrific life.

Next, let's see my mum's life after i joined Shaklee 8 years ago:

我妈妈第一次乘搭“很久时间的”飞机,飞到很远的国家,瑞士。在1万尺高原的Mount Titlis,当她第一次摸到冰冷的白白的雪花时,她的眼角泛起泪光,因为她以为这辈子都没有机会触摸到雪花!老实说,如果没有嘉康利,我妈妈真的真的没有机会摸雪!

For the first time in mum's life, she flew so many many hours, to a country far far away, Switzerland. When she went up the 10,000-feet Mount Titlis, and touched snow for the very first time in her life, there was tears in her eyes. Because she never thought of having the chance to touch snow. In fact, without Shaklee, most probably she will not have the chance to fly so far to enjoy snow.

The second place we went to, Sydney. The first time she was so close to kangaroo, she was just like a little girl. 

When we went to San Francisco US, my mum went with all her four children. This kind of joy, have our parents enjoyed before? The most important of all: have we let our parents had the chance to enjoy this kind of lifestyle??

Next, I brought her to Spain & Portugal. All because of Shaklee.

After Spain & Portugal, we went to Germany. What a wonderful country to visit!

Next, my mum flew another 20 hours + to be in Las Vegas!

After Las Vegas, we went to Vancouver, Canada. The scenery is so so so majestic ....

My mum, for the first tine in her life, fying BUSINESS CLASS.

Now, I will share with you all the places I brought my mum to, on my own expenses:

Shan Tou, at Chao Zhou China, my father's original home. I brought my mum to fulfil my father's dream.

We went to Wu Tai Shan, a holy mountain for Wen-shu Pu-sa in China.

Next, another two holy mountains in China.


I pray that you will see the future with Shaklee! Together, we fulfil millions of dreams; together, we empower millions of lives; together, we create millions of miracles; together, we earn millions of abundance and wealth.

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