
Friday, July 26, 2013

Fig Tree Hill escapade

两天一夜,和嘉康利感恩团队的贵人们,到一个“偏远山区”,Fig Tree Hill度假村,,享受与世隔绝的时光。要去到这度假村,还真不太简单。首先,必须以时速大约25km的慢速度,行驶在崎岖小路,坑坑洞洞的。但,其妙的是,放慢车速,就能欣赏到沿途的风光:四只四脚蛇、清澈见底的潺潺小溪、路旁跌落的山榴梿、骑着电单车的村民。。。

老实说,我们这12个人,还可以享受暂时和外界隔离(因为没有任何的网络),暂时不能WhatsApp、面子书、电邮、SMS、通电话等,对很多现代人来说,真是难以想像的事儿!但也因为如此,我们可以完全的活在当下:冲凉时,就只是享受水花在肌肤滑落的感觉;晚间大伙儿一起吃有史以来最美味的泡面;隔天早上和感恩团队伙伴们吃个悠闲的美国式早餐;得空时,唱唱卡拉OK,让我们的歌声飘扬;更让我们专心的讨论我们团队在8月8-10号,在Bukit Jawi Golf Resort,主办的《巨人营》的细节。


Just came down from a two-day-one-night stay at Fig Tree Hill Resort, This resort is situated on a remote hill, not far from Penang city centre. The journey to this resort isn’t that easy, coz we had to drive on a narrow winding “kampong road”, at the speed of 25km/hour. However, due to this slowness, we had the chance to enjoy the scenery and live in the moment: we saw four huge lizards, we heard the flowing river, we smelt the durians and mangoes, we noticed the villagers on worn-down motorbikes …

In fact, the 12 of us from Shaklee Gan-en* Family could enjoy this temporary solitary hermit life, away from the invasion of modern technology, like WhatsApp, Facebook, e-mail, SMS, phone calls etc, was really a huge blessings. And, coz I was cut-off from the outside world, I could live in the present moment with sharper awareness: I felt the shower running down my skin; I tasted the most delicious instant-noodle; I had the most relaxed American breakfast; I sang karaoke with more awareness of my changing breath; and of course, this allowed 12 of us to discuss our 8th-10th August Giant Camp, held at Bukit Jawi Golf Resort, with greater fun and results.  

To me now, I decide for myself to live everyday like Sundays or Fridays or Mondays! I am truly grateful that 8 years ago, I had the courage to leave ntv7, changed my life course and chose Shaklee as my career. Gan-en Shaklee. Gan-en Gan-en Family. Gan-en the Universe for all the blessings and abundance. Blessings and love to all.

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