
Monday, August 26, 2013

New Distributor Training 新领袖培训

2013年8月25号,在Holiday Villa Subang,《新领袖培训》。顾名思义,《新领袖培训》就是嘉康利为了培育更多新领袖而主办的培训会。

On 25th August 2013, at Holiday Villa Subang, Shaklee hosted "New Distributor Training, NDT". As the name suggests, this training is meant for NEW distributors.

星期天早上,七早八早的,我这位已经很"有经验"的嘉康利董事,和另一位董事,Master秋颜,以及另一位的Senior Coordinator,玟发,为了学习和“更懂事”,我们依然报名参加这次的《新领袖培训》 。因为我坚信,每一次的课程,都让我成长!学习,不分老少”,而且有机会跟感恩团队和其他团队的新朋友一起成长,超赞!

However, as "experienced" Masters and Senior Coordinator, Master Serene Mok, Tan Boon Huat and I, woke up early on this Sunday morning, attended the NDT, because we grab every opportunity in learning and growing ourselves in Shaklee. I always cherish the moments spent with my team and other organisations' members.


I am truly honoured to have the chance to share my "Why Shaklee" at this NDT, and I really hope that my sharing will inspire the future Shaklee leaders to "see" Shaklee opportunity. More than half of the audience listened to my story for the very first time, and I must thank all of them for their attention given. And for my Gan-en Family leaders, although you all have listened to my story for the past 8 years (and more years to come for the same story :)), please treat all leaders' "old familiar stories" with alert freshness.


When leaders came to take photos with me, I truly was flattered to know that I have very powerful "aura" :) In fact, I am so willing to share my aura with them and with you all, coz I always believe in the Universal Law, "the more I give, the more I will be given". 

一位马来贵人更在她的面子书上写着:“Kami bersama hero Shaklee . Tq for inspiring us with your experience in Shaklee” (翻译:我们和嘉康利英雄一起。谢谢你以你在嘉康利的经验来激励我们)

And a very kind Malay leader, wrote on her Facebook, “Kami bersama hero Shaklee . Tq for inspiring us with your experience in Shaklee”. So honoured and so grateful.

其中一件最兴奋的事:今天遇到Siti,她分享了她的的个人健康见证:她患有水瘤,就是单靠早晚2粒的Shaklee GLA(我们昵称它为“花油”),水瘤就完全消失了!嘉康利真是太棒了!我这八年,就是以嘉康利来帮助自己、贵人更健康。一个又一个的见证,实实在在的、一次又一次的印证了嘉康利产品的中心思想,“安全。有效。环保”的可信度!我跟马来人说的,guna tanpa waswas(翻译:可以放心使用)!跟华人说,放心服用,因为嘉康利真的太棒了!

Another super exciting happening: I met Siti for the first time, and in her sharing, she told us that she had cysts, and after taking Shaklee GLA twice a day, miraculously her cysts disappeared! Again, this proves that Shaklee "Always safe. Always works. Always green". So simple and so easy. I am so so proud to be a Shaklee Master and to share Shaklee with all my friends.


What's more exciting is: after seeing my posting on Facebook, a friend of mine ordered a bottle of GLA. Just like this :) Wonderful.


Here is my 8-minute sharing today. I hope that if you want to know more about Shaklee products and opportunity, and if you aspire to share Shaklee and achieve uncommon freedom in life, I welcome you with open arms. Blessings and Love.

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