
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Update: Shaklee London + Paris




After working hard for a year, and after helping many others to realise their dreams, it's time to enjoy our 6-star holidays with Shaklee! This time, a total of 135 of us will be treated by Shaklee to London+Paris, to feel the cold cold winter.

Travelling and holidays, I am sure is one of many people's dreams; if it's all paid for, better deal; and if all paid for, and with 6-star treatment, yahoo!; and and if all paid for, and with 6-star treatment, and we are allowed to bring our parents and siblings together, beyond many people's wildest imagination and logical comprehension!

If such lifestyle is one of your dreams, then why not giving yourself a "Shaklee chance"? After working for 20 over years in government sector and private corporations, I can be very proud to say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find such treatment in any of the corporations out in the market! Imagine: working for our own freedom and abundance for a year, by helping our leaders, then company will pay for all our expenses to foreign lands, enjoying 6-star holidays with our family members! Mana mau cari? Hanya di Shaklee!

这次,我们将乘搭双层飞机,MAS的A380,并乘坐经由海底隧道的Euro Star到法国。由于我真的很努力分享嘉康利,以及用心的让很多下线领袖圆梦(无论梦想的大小),嘉康利让我和妈妈,乘搭商务舱,让我们舒舒服服的睡到伦敦,并舒舒服服的从巴黎睡到KLIA。

This time, we will be flying a double-decker plane, MAS A380 to London, and taking the Euro Star to Paris. And, as a reward of working very hard and helping a lot of my leaders fulfilling their dreams, Shaklee is paying for my mum and I the BUSINESS CLASS, I am especially grateful because my mum can sleep comfortably all the way to London, and fly home comfortably from Paris.


The very first day, after 13-hour flight, we will be visiting Buckingham Palace, The Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge. After that, group photo at London Eye, before taking the 45-minute ride, to view the whole of London town ( please bring along our Shaklee high-quality jacket in our hand-carry luggage )

The best spot for taking Big Ben photo :) thanks to my friend who brought me to this spot.


让后,晚上,我们将有机会观赏一出超级著名的歌舞剧,Mamma Mia。很贵的入场券!

The second day, Shaklee knows the leaders' dream: SHOPPING! As we can see, Shaklee is giving us about 6 hours of shopping spree. I went online to check, wow, so many many many outlets here. And, one best thing is, Shaklee knows no one will be interested in lunch or dinner, so Shaklee pays us each £100 (equivalent to rm521) for food. Again, mana mau cari? Hanya di Shaklee!

Then,at night, we will have the chance to enjoy a musical, the ever-famous Mamma Mia Show, where we get to walk down the memory lane with songs of ABBA.


The third day, we will be going to Windsor Castle, River Thames Cruise (I was there a few years ago, and I really like it!), Madame Tussauds (hmm... not sure which royal family member and superstar I will take photo with), and of course the very famous London Eye!

River Thames Cruise, background being the Big Ben.


Then, we will be crossing to another country, the romantic France! Arch De Triumph and Louvre Museum (where the world's most famous painting, Mona Lisa is) are a must for tourists. And, SHOPPING again at Champs Elysees. This time, the brand new in-season super branded goods!

On 21st, we will be visiting Versailles Palace, and also the world's most romantic place, according to our travel agent, MontMartre


The next day, Eiffel Tower! Yahoo! Very very majestic! And then, Disneyland, the place where we all will become kids again! Since lunch will be on our own, Shaklee will pay us each €50 (equivalent to rm210). After having one afternoon at Disneyland, we all will be treated to our Royal Night!

Eiffel Tower. Me, a few years ago.

After the London+Paris trip completes, my mum and I will fly back in BUSINESS CLASS again.

These are our hotel in London and Paris. From the names of the hotels, we can rest assured that they are of 6-star standard.


For leaders who are going to London & Paris: please remember to fasten these two name cards onto our check-in luggage. Everyone is allowed two luggage, total of 30kg; and a hand-carry luggage of 7kg (please bring the Shaklee jacket in the hand-carry luggage because we need it for group photograph on the very first day at Buckingham Palace)

最重要的是:给各位嘉康利贵人领袖,请大家分享如此优质的产品与如此善良的创业机会,并成就更多人的梦想,然后,明年8月,我们一起到美国加利福尼亚的Long Beach。


The most important of all: for all in Shaklee, please share such high quality products and wonderful business opportunity with many many, and helping many many to realise their dreams, then next year, we will go to Long Beach, California, together! 

And for those who are yet to join Shaklee, I welcome you all with huge wide open arms to know Shaklee. Blessings and love.

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