虽然我尽量有机、清淡,但身在这21世纪的我,就连想单纯的吃一碟青菜,很多时候都是一种奢求!一般情况下,都会是如图片中这样的:多油、多味精、把菜炒到不像菜!因此,我包包里,永远都有“消油、去脂”的Cinch Energy Tea(见图)。
我目前在夏威夷大学修读远程的“营养与饮食Applied Nutrition”硕士研究班,因为我真的清楚了解到营养的重要性。所以,每当朋友看到我服用嘉康利时,总是说我“怕死咩?”,我的总是淡淡的回答,“不是怕死,是怕病。更怕死不了,拖着、拖着。。。”
Modern people, especially the city folks like me,
very rarely have the luxury of enjoying the home-cooked food. To many people
like me, mum’s or wife’s cooking has become a blessing!
I settle my meals almost everyday by eating out.
Every first thing in the morning, I have Shaklee supplements to lay the
foundation for my daily nutritional needs; lunch and dinner, trying my best to
go vegan/organic and simple; when I reach home every evening, I will give my
trillions of body cells another round of Shaklee supplements.
Although I do my best to go vegan/organic simple meals, living in this
modern world, eating a plate of simple vegetable can at times be a luxurious
demand. This is because sometimes the plate of vegetable can look like my order
this evening. So, I always carry Cinch Energy Tea (refer picture) with me. A
sachet of it in hot water, will help me solve the biggest problem of eating
out: too much fats!
this, before I eat, I always visualize that when the food enters my body
system, it will be like a stream of pure energy flowing through my body,
nourishing all my cells, and I visualize that all my cells are active and
healthy. In fact, if we still insist that by dieting alone, we can get all the
nutrients we need for a healthy body, it’s like fairy tales now. By consuming food,
be it meat or vegetables, we inevitably pouring thousands of unknown chemiclas
into our body system.
I am now pursuing my Masters degree in Applied Nutrition with
long-distance study, University of Hawaii, coz I realize the importance of
nutrition and supplementations. Whenever my friends see me take Shaklee
supplements, they always jokingly ask me, “takut mati ah?” my answer is always
the same too, “not afraid of death, but takut sakit, and takut mau mati tak
boleh mati!”
My annual medical report so far is 100% very satisfactory, and my “baby-look”
at the age of 50, I owe all my health and wealth to Shaklee. Truly grateful to
Dr Shaklee for creating such high-quality supplements in 1915. Gan-en. Blessings.