Sunday, August 11, 2013

Giant Camp 巨人营

20138-10号,在Bukit Jawi Golf Resort,由嘉康利感恩团队主办的《巨人营》,圆满结束了。这一场《巨人营》让大家唤醒内心的巨人,突破自己的内心的局限,往自己的人生梦想迈开一大步!工委的奉献、讲师的分享、贵人的全情参与,真是感动满满,感恩无限。

Shaklee Gan-en Family’s annual activity, three-days-two-night Giant camp, ended today. The Sleeping Giants in us was awakened, and it helped all of us to breakthrough our limitations and negative self-fulfilling prophecy. I am truly gan-en (grateful) to all organizing committee, the speakers-motivators, all our Gan-en Family leaders from all over Malaysia. Truly gan-en. Truly heartfelt touching.

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